Search Raglan Castle on the web, see in particular Cadw Castles Site and of course Wikipedia etc. Search out also William ap Thomas and his wife Gwladys ferch Dafydd Gam. Both are bueried in the Benedictine Priory Church in Abergavenny. These two are central to understanding Welsh History in the 15th Century and the 'Civil War' aspect of the Owain Glyndwr war of Independence, these two represent familes that were on the 'English Side' and Teulu Gwladys were to suffer for it. See via Web Search Dafydd Gam and Tretwr Castle, studies of all this will tell you much also about the Wales following the Glyndwr War of Independence and perhaps unfortunatly give a glimse at an awful home truth. That an Independent Wales, then or now would never be sustainable finnancially and thus politically fail too?
Not least pay close attention to fact that both Dafydd Gam and William ap Thomas were to fight at for Henry V at Azincourt 1415 and before that their familes were fighting for the English in France, not least at the Battle of Crecy 1346. There are two aspects of this history here to really focus on, the one being how Welsh Warrior Military Tradition was won over to serve England, right up to the present day whilst Welsh Nationalism of present times is so culturally safe and pacifist? The Second is the financial angle, you will see from the histories that the men of these familes whilst fighting in France soon picked up on where profits could be made. Not least in the wine trade and it is from this the 15th century Raglan Castle lords piled up the money, finding that loyalty to England brought prestiege on the battlefield and profits otherwise via the 'English Connection'. As you go around the Castle, do not get over wealmed by the Lordly splendour without keeping firmly in mind, that to up hold all this requires oppression and exploitation of the common folk too.
Having said that, it might suprise you that I am so up for a campaign to see established a Canolfan Tywysogion Cymru - Native Welsh Princes. The reason of course is because there is none, though if you go into Caernarfon Castle there is a major English Princes of Wales Exhibtion which only in passing mentions briefly a 1000 year history of the Native Princes, their familes and history connected to they. Why not? I am amazed that patriots in Gwynedd have not long ago been concerned and made protest about this. Nor, made the effort to see that a Canolfan Tywysogion Gwynedd has been established by now, why not Gwladgarwyr Gwynedd? The most obvious place to establish such a centre would be at Canolfan Aberfraw, but last time I visited an ideal place there was being used as an exhibition gallery for local artists which I am sure could be placed elsewhere to no great disadvantage of local artists. Whatever, lets not wait on Aberffraw to get it's act together as a 'Welsh Tara', I advocated that such Centres of our Princes be set up at the Royal Seats of Mathrafel - Powys, Deinefwr - Dehuebarth and at Dinas Powys - Morgannwg/Gwent though that needs further consideration. As Senghenydd might wish to have claims on such and then Gwent as well might contest Dinas Powys.
* At moment it is mostly English Medieval Living History Re-Enactment Socieites that put on shows for Cadw, this is because there are so few Welsh Based similar. Thus we need asap in development of an 'Urdd Brenhinol Cymru' as such Welsh Based Body as 'Regia Anglorum' in England, this is a PATRIOTIC PRIORITY.
* Associated with this above there is also need for an UBC - Royal Honour Guard - Four, they being based in Gwledydd Regions representing Aberffraw - Gwynedd, Mathrfel - Powys, Dinefwr - Deheubarth and Dinas Powys or whatever? Purpose to make Heraldic Banners and put on Herladic Flag Displays at Cadw and other similar organised events. Now I will leave you to view the below hopefully interesting you enough to visit Raglan Castle soon, perhaps as an escape from that Wedding of an English Prince and Princess. Do not to also viist Monmouth and other Gwent Castles in this area, inc of course Tretwr. NB: See at post conclusion, Azincourt and Carreg Cennen Castle.
The Battle of Azincourt 1415 will no doubt be marked big time in England and in Wales, particularly so in Monmouth Town. In Wales expect Cadw as part of it's Owain Glyndwr Initiative will have Shakespeares Henry V stuffed down our throat in as many of their Castles as they possibly can in 2015. However, note and keep in mind that Embassy Glyndwr will be organising counter Glyndwr themed events in Monmouth Town and Glyndwr associated areas of Gwent in general. Further on the Embassy Glyndwr agenda as post script to their Glyndwr 660 Commemoration 1354 - 2014 600th Anniversary of the birth of Owain Glyndwr, is a trip to Azincourt 1415 - 2015 commemorations in France. This will be to commemorate the Welsh who fought on side of the French as Henry Gwyn, Son William and other 'Gwerin Owain'