A suggestion towards establishing a 'Welsh Medieval Interest body' with purpose of developing an Initiative that would see set up a TIROEDD y TYWYSOGION CYMRU, much the same as 'CORDELL COUNTRY' in the South. Requiring then this body would as HERIAN (see below) seek to make that 'Land of the Princes of Wales', in first instance a website and then much more as similar to that developed by HERIAN to interpret the period of the Industrial Revolution in Southern Wales. This initiative I suggest is based chiefly in Gwynedd at Aberffraw as centre of a GWLAD TYWYSOGION GWYNEDD, see example of Bro Beca in South West Wales as an idea as what may be done, link > Bro Beca The Bro Beca Project assists local communities to uncover the history of the Rebecca Riots in Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire to develop heritage ...www.brobeca.co.uk/ - 5k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this . This was established by Planed a regeneration organisation, I am sure similar in Gwynedd as Llyn Cultural Network and any number of Menter/Antur Iaith plus Antur Llys Rhosyr etc could get together with community councils et al, to set up a working party at least to consider how best to move forward such an initiative as I briefly introduce here for the attention of Medieval Wales enthusiasts.
Given the fact that Cadw & Co, are not really up for calling up some real Medieval Welsh History but prefer to focus on what it referrs to as ''Built History'', see what I have to say about this in my other blogs at I'r Gad Welsh Battlefield Campaign http://brwydr.blogspot.com and Ymgyrch Treftadaeth http://ymgyrchtreftadaeth.blogspot.com/ . I consider it a neccessity that some kind of Welsh Medieval Interest Body is established similar to that of HERIAN, see below information on their work to date.
1: Here is an excellent example of what such a Welsh Medieval Interest body could be about but in a medieval context of course, see > Welcome to Herian - Herian Herian Logo and title, enter the site containing English text · enter the site containing Cymraeg text. Montage of people enjoying the heritage of ...www.herian.org/ - 3k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
2: Such Medieval body would of course focus very much on the chief princes of the Royal Houses of Brenhinol Cymru similar to this, see > Heroes Heroines Heritage HERIAN - Herian The HERIAN web site's mission is to inform its partners and publicise its work to the people of and visitors to South Wales. This web site will have the ...www.herian.org/home.html - 24k - Cached - Similar pages - Note thisMore results from www.herian.org »
In time having established the Mediaval Interest body I have suggested plus the Gwlad Tywysog Gwynedd, in time there could be links to Gwledydd Powys, Deheubarth and Glywysing (Morgannwg & Gwent), in the first place through Touch Screens links in area of Dinefwr, Mathrafel and Dinas Powys, see > 3: Herian Touchscreen Kiosks : Imaginet The Herian project was launched in 2003 to develop a coordinated approach to heritage development ... View a demo of the Herian touchscreen kiosk interface ...www.imaginet.co.uk/case_study.php?cs=47 - 22k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this> in the south which does an excellent job on promotion of Industrial History, more or less in and around period of CORDELL COUNTRY. It has of course been of immense advantage to Herian that Alexander Cordell wrote such successful stories about Industrial Revolution in Southern Wales. Maybe some one needs to do similar for Gwynedd to kick things off. However, has this not been done by Sharon Penman in three novels none of which I have read, so I do not really know how good they are, or even appropriate?
Whatever, some food for thought, get in touch if you have further interest in any of the above, contact me at gethin.apgruffyd@ntlworld.com